مجلة الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية

Review of Letters and Human Sciences


The Review of Letters and Human Sciences(RLHS) is a semestrial scientific referred journal. It is Free of charge in all stages, open access. Issued by the Faculty of Language, Arabic litterature and Arts University of Batna1 (Algeria) since 2008. It publishes original research in three languages Arabic, French and English. Its main field of interest is research about Language, literature, human Sciences, and Arts, from the perspectives of cross and critical reading. It aims is to be a junction link between researchers from different countries of the world to encourage studies in Literature and Human Sciences. It targets a various audience from Human Sciences researchers, students, language sciences and Arts students. The journal favors the interdisciplinary reflections, which approach the Arts phenomenon from its various aspects. This dynamic characteristic of cross and interdisciplinary research will undoubtedly allow answering both the requirements of Artistic phenomena, as well as taking advantage of Human studies’ evolution in the rest of the world.







الوقف على الفاصلة القرآنية في رواية ورش عن نافع-سورة العلق أنموذجا- دراسة صوتية دلالية

غربي رزيقة,  بن عمار محي الدين, 

الملخص: لا شك أن الفواصل هي زينة القرآن الكريم وحليته ومن أبرز خصائصه الجمالية والإعجازية؛ فالفاصلة القرآنية تضبط اتساق النظم القرآني فتجمع بين عذوبة اللفظ وجودة المعنى، خاصة إذا ما وُقف عليها، إذ تتطرأ عليها تغيرات في تشكيلها الصوتي ما يضفي عليها لمسة بلاغية فنية مميزة. والدراسة تهدف إلى تبيان الأثر الصوتي و الدلالي في الوقوف على الفواصل القرآنية التي انفرد بها النص القرآني المعجز من خلال محاولة الإجابة عن التساؤل الجوهري الآتي: كيف يسهم الوقف على الفاصلة القرآنية في إثراء الإعجاز اللغوي والدلالي في القرآن الكريم ؟ وللإجابة عن ها التساؤل اتبعت المنهج الوصفي لما اقتضته الدراسة. لتخلص الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج والتوصيات لعل أهمها: _ أن الفاصلة القرآنية موضوعة بدقة عالية يتناسب موقعها مع الإيقاع الصوتي والجانب الدلالي للسورة عامة والآيات خاصة. _ موضوع الفاصلة القرآنية موضوع عميق يحتاج إلى دراسات وتأملات عميقة تكشف عن جوانب الإعجاز القرآني اللغوي منه والبياني. There is no doubt that commas are the adornment and ornament of the Holy Qur’an, and one of its most prominent aesthetic and miraculous characteristics. The Qur’anic comma controls the consistency of the Qur’anic systems, so it combines the sweetness of the pronunciation and the quality of the meaning, especially if it is paused on it, as it undergoes changes in its sound formation, which gives it a distinctive artistic rhetorical touch. The study aims to show the phonological and semantic impact of standing on the Quranic breaks that are unique to the miraculous Quranic text by trying to answer the following fundamental question: How does the endowment on the Qur’anic comma contribute to enriching the linguistic and semantic miracles in the Holy Qur’an? To answer this question, I followed the descriptive approach as required by the study. The study concludes with a set of results and recommendations, the most important of which are: _ The Quranic comma is placed with high accuracy, and its location is commensurate with the phonetic rhythm and the semantic aspect of the surah in general and the verses in particular. _ The topic of the Quranic comma is a profound topic that needs deep studies and reflections that reveal aspects of the Quranic miracle, both linguistic and graphic.

الكلمات المفتاحية: الوقف ; الفاصلة القرآنية ; رواية ورش عن نافع ; سورة العلق ; دراسة صوتية دلالية ; waqf ; Quranic comma ; Warsh’s narration on the authority of Nafi’ ; Surah Al-Alaq ; phonemic semantic study

T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land: Frightening Visions of the Destiny of Mankind

شوشان سلمى, 

Résumé: T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land (1922) presents a bleak and apocalyptic vision of the post-WW1 world, which witnesses social, moral, and even religious decay and, thus, symbolically becomes a waste and sterile land. This paper examines Eliot’s visions of the destiny of mankind through Stephen Cook’s conception of apocalyptic prophecy and Edouard Glissant’s conception of chaos to demonstrate that the world is still in a state of continuous collapse. The COVID-19 pandemic, for instance, perfectly captures the dystopian future that Eliot foreshadowed a century ago.

Mots clés: The Waste Land ; apocalypse ; vision ; chaos ; COVID-19