les cahiers du mecas
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 128-138

أثر تغيرات سعر الصرف على الميزان التجاري الجزائري

الكاتب : مليكي سمير بهاء الدين . عبد الجليل هجيرة . أحمادوش نادية .


This paper aim to study the impact of exchange rate changes on Algerian trade balance. We use the cointegration method to test causality between the exchange rate of the Euro and the U.S. Dollar compared to the trade balance Results showed the non presence of such causality despite the specificity of the Algerian economy's export in Dollars and import in Euros.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Algerian economy- Trade Balance- Cointegration. Exchange rate-