Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 15-23

المؤرخ لسان الدين بن الخطيب " حياته ومنهجته في التدوين التاريخي" كتاب أعمال الأعلام أنموذجا"

الكاتب : محمد عيساوي .


ملخص : يتمحور المقال حول شخصية محمد بن عبد الله بن سعيد بن عبد اللهبن سعيد بن علي بن احمد السلماني الخطيب ويكني ابا عبد الله, وهو شاعر, وكاتب وفقيه مالكي ومؤرخ وفيلسوف وطبيب ينحدر من الاندلس وبالضبط لوشة, (ولد في 25 رجب 713 ه 1313/م وتوفي في – فاس 776ه 1374/م) درس الادب والطب والفلسفة في الجامعة القروين بفاس . قضى معضم حياته في غرناطة في خدمة بلاط بني نصر , وعرف بذي الوزارتين: الادب والسيف . نقش اشعاره على حوائط قصر الحمراء بغرناطة نشا لسان الدين في اسرة عرفت بالعلم والفضل والجاه وكان جده الثالث سعيد يجلس للعلم والوعظ فعرف بالخطيب ثم لحق اللقب بالاسرة منذ اقامته في لوشة وكانت اسرة لبن الخطيب من احدى القبائل العربية القحطانية التي وفدت الى الاندلس , وتادب في غرناطة على شيوخها فاخذ عنهم القران والفقه والتفسير واللغة والرواية والطب. ملخص بالانجليزية: Lisan ad-Din ibn al-Khatib (Born 16 November 1313, Loja– died 1374, Fes, Morocco) (Full name Muhammad ibn Abd Allah ibn Said ibn Ali ibn Ahmad al- Salmani) was an Arab polymath poet, writer, Historian, philosopher, physician and politician from Emirate of Granada Some of his poems decorate the walls of the Alhambra in Granada. He was born at Loja, near Granada. al-Khatib spent most of his life as vizir at the court of Muhammed V, but was exiled from Granada twice and lived for some time in the Marinid empire in Morocco (the first time 1360-62 and the second time 1371-74 in Ceuta and Tlemcen and Fes). In 1374, he was imprisoned and accused of heresy (Zandaqa) and atheism for which he was sentenced to death by suffocation. Earlier and modern historians assume that he was executed as a result of his many political feuds in Granada. His body was burned then buried at "Bab Mahruq", one of the gates of the city of Fes. His private feuds with the Nasrid Kings of Granada were the main reason of this treatment. He excelled as a historian and he wrote excellent poetry some of which was put to music as muwashshahat. His autobiography, written in 1369, is to be found in part of his al-Ihata fi akhbar Gharnata (The Complete Source on the History of Granada) ed. Muhammad Abd Allah Inan (Cairo: Maktabat al-Khanji, 1978). This work has yet to be translated into English.

الكلمات المفتاحية

ترجمة، التاريخ، قصر الحمراء، القبائل، غرناطة.