les cahiers du mecas
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 1-11

Return To Investment In Human Capital And Policy Of Labour Market: Empirical Analysis Of Developing Countries

Authors : Maazouz Mokhtar .


Our objective in this paper is to examine the relation which exists between education and the policy of labour market. In order to calculate the profitability of the investment in the human capital we adopt the theory of the human capital and the hypothesis of the labour market segmentation. This paper summarizes in theory, the evaluation in the rate of profitability compared to education considering the individuals. In segmented and competitor labour market, the rise of the level of education generates a rise of the rates of unemployment and the manufacturing units proceed to use the level of education like a quantitative index of employment. To evaluate the rate of cost on the investment in the human capital, we applied the econometric method using the available resources on several levels in the education system, which affects consequently on the supply of labour in the labour market.


education rate of return, labour market policy, human capital investment

English Language Education In Algeria As An Investment In Developing Human Capital

Fatima Zohra Ennebati .  Noureddine Lenba . 
pages 75-85.