Volume 11, Numéro 2, Pages 4-12

Le Rôle Des Sciences Sociales Dans Le Développement : Sociologie Du Développement En Relation Avec La Problématique Du Lien Social

Auteurs : Hamadouche Rachid .


Abstract Nowadays we are witnessing what is called the rise of "Maghreb society. This is a kind of mobile society: a mobility which is not only concerned by social and geographical matters, but rather tends to modify the nature of relations and the social bonds. Maghreb societies, thus, must change the status: from static societies to à mobile ones. This is a call to a very important matter which consists in the rethinking and the re-working of both the production and the construction of social bonds. Within the Maghreb societies, things cannot be achieved without the building of à sociology of development in the area - in the light of the different rising economic, social, as well as political changes. However, can we affirm and maintain that Maghreb societies have enacted their passage (transformation) from the model of traditional societies to modern ones in the Tonniessian meaning of the term. Throughout this contribution, I want to address the issue of the sociology of development in the Maghreb in particular, via a global approach of social bonds. This will probably allow the close observation of sociological and economic evolutions

Mots clés

sociology of development, social bonds, social change, community and society, values and norms.