مجلة الخلدونية
Volume 10, Numéro 2, Pages 376-409

تقييم البرنامج التكويني البيداغوجي التحضيري لأساتذة التكوين والتعليم المهنيين في الجزائر (قراءة تحليلية في ضوء جودة البرامج التكوينية)

الكاتب : بوشريط نورية .


The preparatory training program (syllabus) for teachers of professional training and education requires studying and researching the quality of the content due to the lacks that of the sector is suffering from such as professional dropout, teachers’ low performance and lack of professional competencies that appear in the lack of labor efficiency though the teacher received the pedagogic composition. In this study, we attempt to highlight the reality of the preparatory training program for teachers of professional training and education in light of the quality of the training programs related to the training needs, objectives, content, methods of teaching, learning techniques, evaluation,Applied Training, the effectiveness of program, and follow-up. The study was discussed using theoretical frameworks and previous studies on the subject.

الكلمات المفتاحية

pedagogicalTraining, Vocational professional and education, Quality of programcreteria.