مجلة الخلدونية
Volume 10, Numéro 2, Pages 43-54

أثر الدين على النحت المصري القديم

الكاتب : أوكيل صبيحة .


Abstract: The article talks about the sculpture of ancient Egyptians and the extent of its influence on religion, especiallyThe ancient Egyptians were among the most religious people; their work in their everyday lives was entirely devoted to the other immortal life.These include sculptures such as statues and all associated with ornamental inscriptions such as coffins Ornaments, etc., were designed to serve the religion, which decorated the temples and pyramids and embodied the gods and kings in a landscape of prestige and prestige and reverence, as their sculptures represent part of the funerary furniture that guarantees the immortality of the soul in other life, and also touched on the most important characteristics that met G. The pharaonic sculpture of other ancient arts, such as: greatness, seriousness, idealism, monotony and gravity, in addition to the separation of the two types of sculpture is the stereotype and the highlights.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Sculpture, Statues, Amulets, the art, Religion, Gods, Pharaonic, Ancient Egypt.