Volume 7, Numéro 13, Pages 89-113

التأطير القانوني لإدارة النفايات الخطرة من خلال الاتفاقيات الدولية الشارعة

الكاتب : يوسف أوتفات .


Abstract : The problem of environmental pollution, problems that require concerted action at both the international and legal, given the multiplicity of sources of pollution on land and sea and air  ,  So if any integration between international and national specialized environment legislation to combat environmental pollution. at the national level, each State to issue the necessary national legislation for the protection of the environment and the same State take to sign and ratify the various conventions of the international normative And bilateral in order to achieve greater international cooperation in the same area. There are therefore interlinked and integration between national legislation and international legislation  Multiple sources of pollution is linked primarily to progress Economic and technological and industrial revolution in order to achieve greater well being for humans. but can say without doubt that the current environment pollution is a direct or indirect result of the technological and industrial progress  In particular, the problem of pollution of the environment by hazardous wastes and toxic problems that threaten human existence itself, the latter at the beginning of his life on Earth he was trying to protect itself from predators living in nature, and he ended up after thousands of years, trying to protect himself from nature  Also, toxic and hazardous wastes threaten other other organisms and, despite which the different activities undertaken by the human well being of humanity and taking advantage of the environment and its natural resources, however, must cope with the downside of these activities and the threat of aggression against the environment and destruction of resources and prejudice to balance and by establishing legal norms for the protection and preservation of the environment and report of responsibility for damage  And in particular for damage to the environment resulting from the generation and transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal  And represents the first step in understanding this problem and limitation in the identification and definition of hazardous waste  It was and still is very difficult to define, or mosque, mind conceived clear and specific categories and types of hazardous waste

الكلمات المفتاحية

Global definition of hazardous wastes as contained in the Basel Convention. global definition of hazardous wastes as contained in the Convention of Bamako. global definition of hazardous wastes as contained in Izmir protocol.