Volume 7, Numéro 13, Pages 61-72

ترقية تمثيل المرأة في المجالس المنتخبة في الجزائر: إشكالات قانونية وديموقراطية

الكاتب : رمضان تيسمبال .


Abstract : By adopting the quota system of women is what is presented as the proportion or percentage fixed in advance seats for women in elected assemblies, according to Organic Law No12.03  laying down increasing opportunities for access of women to representation in elected assemblies, the Algerian legislature wanted to improve the role and place of women in political life, and also increase the ratio of its representation in the assemblies in accordance with law No. 08. 19 pertaining to constitutional revision of 2008 in Article 31bis. Except that this system presents democratic and legal issues through the apparent contradiction between this quota system, the principle of democratic representation and the principle of equality before the law, in addition to its conflict with other texts in the constitution and in the organic Law of élections.

الكلمات المفتاحية

The key words : Quota,  representation of women,the election, elected assembly