مجلة الدراسات الإسلامية
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 39-80

الإمام ابن الهمام ومنهجه في أصول الفقه قراءة في كتابه:" التحرير"

الكاتب : محمد ورنيقي . مراد عليون .


Abstract : This research deals with many aspects of the life of Ibn al-hummam and his methodology in the jurisprudencial principles( Usul al-Fiqh), through careful reading in his great book entitled( Editing “ e-Tahrir”); as for his life is exposed to the personal and scientific aspects, and it became clear to us the capacity of knowledge of this remarkable mark, intolevable, he is an industrious scholar and fair seeker. He travels in the sciences of Quran and Sunnah, as well as in the sciences of jurisprudence, jurisprudencial principles, and speech, attested by his books. His book( Editing in The jurisprudencial principles Combined between The Two Termes of The Hanafis and Shaafa’is) has a great scientific value, and it is good for every scholar to read it in order to take advantage of it, and to increase his treasures, especially in the field of jurisprudencial principles. In his book, al-Imam took the approach of combining between The Tow methods; Speakers and Hanafis in the jurisprudencial principles, and the Approach of Colection is not nearly the two or the probable ones, it is a historical development required by that time period, there is a complete deference between the curriculum, as the method of colection characteristics destinct of others. In his book( e-Tahrir), Ibn al-Humam did not limit him self to the mere transfer of opinions, evidence, discussion and weigting, but ruther he went on to delve into the science of jurisprudencial principles to the degree of diligence in it, so he had choices in( Usul al-Fiqh) that contradicted what the hanafi doctrine, and what the masses of scholars sometimes other.

الكلمات المفتاحية

ابن الهمام، ( التحرير في أصول الفقه)، الاجتهاد المطلق، منهج ابن الهمام الأصولي، اختيارات أصولية.