مجلة المقرى للدراسات اللغوية النظرية و التطبيقية
Volume 1, Numéro 3, Pages 81-92

الحجاج الحكائي في معلقة النابغة الذبياني

الكاتب : صباح غرايبية .


الملخص: قوام هذه الدراسة البحث في حجاج الشعر العربي القديم من خلال معلقة النابغة الذبياني، وذلك بالبحث في مظاهر استلهام الموروث الحكائي التاريخي والأسطوري والديني وطرق توظيفه وغاياته. كما تبحث في دور الحوا رفي خدمة الحجاج وأبعاده الدلالية بوصفه أحد أبرز التقنيات السردية التي يمكن أن تعين الشاعر على تجسيد أفكاره في نص حجاجي متكامل. Résumé : L'étude est basée sur l'étude des pèlerins de la poésie arabe ancienne à travers la pendaison de la Nabeja Al-Dhibiani, en examinant les aspects de l'inspiration du patrimoine historique, mythologique et religieux, les méthodes d'emploi et ses objectifs. Il explore également le rôle des pèlerins au service des pèlerinages et de ses dimensions sémantiques comme l'une des techniques narratives les plus importantes pouvant aider le poète à refléter ses pensées dans un texte argumentative. ABSTRACT : This study, entitled "The Pilgrims of the Discipline in pendentif of Al-Nabegh Al-Zubayani ", is an applied study in the first place, in which the poem is presented, and it is taken from the historical incident and is a starting point for the pilgrims, in which the movement of the poetic pilgrims takes place in three simultaneous directions. In all its dimensions, and then makes it objectively equivalent to reveal the current of the present when he employs the implications of this narrator and drop it on his relationship with " Nu'man bin al-Mundhir". In a brilliant narrative that mixes the limits of the past with the present, a glimmer of the future (dream / vision) . The study is based on several elements, including research on the concept of pilgrims and its historical roots, the narration of narratives and the limits of it, the manifestations of the pilgrims in the hanging of the Nabeans, and this has appeared in several patterns (mythical storytelling, animal stories, religious stories, other stories). Finally, the study sought to illustrate the dialogue in the construction of the poem. The study focused on the extraction of models for internal dialogue / monologue, and direct dialogue . After the study "The Pilgrims of the Discipline in pendentif of Al-Nabegh Al-Zubayani" commentator concluded the study to a number of results, perhaps the most important: - The artistic and linguistic ability of the poet is what enables him to choose the appropriate stories for the pilgrims and match them with his personal experience. - The employment of the story in the pilgrims is based on two main principles; - Changing belief system:. The pilgrims in the poem did not come directly, but the poet is based on the means of martyrdom, citation and inclusion and the realization of the mind in thinking and analysis and linkage and conclusion, and took the direction of this direction to deliver a message to the recipient (Nu'man bin Mundhar) . - The principle of transcendence: The function of anecdotes is not limited to "the enumeration of facts and deeds, but to the presentation of evidence and arguments through the facts, that is to prove in the form of a narrative. - Dialogue is one of the most important media used by pilgrims to build his arguments and presented in the art of interconnected and integrat

الكلمات المفتاحية

السرد. النابغة الذبياني .الحجاج.الحكاية