مجلة المقرى للدراسات اللغوية النظرية و التطبيقية
Volume 1, Numéro 3, Pages 1-12

ما بعد الجملة:النص أم الخطاب؟

الكاتب : ارفيس بلخير .


الملخص يسعى هذا المقال إلى البحث في قضية مصطلحية أكثر منها منهجية ،وتتعلق بما استحدث من مفاهيم ما بعد الجملة في الدرس اللسانس الحديث،فإذا كان الجزم بقصور لسانيات الجملة عن إدراك اللغة وفهم بنيتها،كان لزاما على الباحثين من ذوي الاختصاص التنقيب في زوايا أخرى قد تقدم مقترحات عملية لتجاوز ذلك المأزق .وكان أن ظهر ما يغرف بلسانيات النص أو علم النص وتحليل الخطاب . ومن هذا المنطلق ينبغي علينا أن نقوم بدراسة لمدلولات هذين المصطلحين لنتبين الحدود الممنوحة للدارسين في استعمال كل منهما. وانطلاقا من هذا الأمر فإن محاور هذه المداخلة لن تتجاوز الطبيعة المفاهيمية لكليهما. Abstract Post sentence: Text or discourse This article seeks to examine a terminological issue rather than methodological, it related to what was developed post-sentence concepts in the lesson of modern linguistics. if there was an assertion that the linguistics of phrase is unable to understand the language and its structure, it would be necessary for researchers to explore in other angles that may present Practical proposals to overcome that impasse. As a result,it appeared the linguistics of the text or the science of the text and analysis of the discourse. Consequently,we should study the meanings of these terms in order to show the limits given in their use.. Based on this, the themes of this article will not exceed the conceptual nature of both Problematic: Is there a difference between the text and the speech? If so, what are the most important differences? When do we use the text? When do we use the discourse? The themes of this article will be as follows: - The first axis: the concept of text - The second axis: the concept of discourse - Third axis: textual standards Conclusion: The quick view of the concepts of text and discourse made us conclude: - Most researchers do not differentiate between the text and the discourse. Some of them call it text linguistics,but others call it analyze of discourse. - The majority of those who do not distinguish between the text and the discourse are the authors of the narratives like Genete, Todorov and Vanrich. - those who define the discourse as a text that was installed by writing makes us acknowledge the relationship between them according to the perception of language and speech. - Those who believe that the discourse is a text after adding the conditions of its production is indirect adoption of the textuality; the situationality, which is specific to the conditions of production is one of the basic criteria in the texts as expressed by de Beagrande. - The Arab scholars had contributions in the field of text linguistics or discourse analysis, and did not differentiate between them, because their goal is to search for the esthetics of the text, regardless of the title text or discourse, We can mention examples of this: Abdul Qahir al-Jarjani, Zirkshi, Suyuti, Ibn Jnee, especially during their talk about the miracle of the Holy Quran

الكلمات المفتاحية

text, discourse, text linguistics, discourse analysis, de beaugrande, textual standards