مجلة الباحث للدراسات الأكاديمية
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 614-633

التماس إعادة النظر في أحكام القضاء الاستعجالي

الكاتب : Haddag Samai .


The reconsideration in emergency judiciary rulings is considered as one of the issues that has a topic of discussion between civil law scholars for a long time because of the publishing of the regulating texts for the reconsideration and its temporary situation. This study seeks to shed light on the origin of this discussion and its justifications in French law and Egyptian law, and then in the law of Algeria, and the opinion of the judiciary, in order to understand the opinion of the Algerian legislator under the new law of civil and administrative procedures.

الكلمات المفتاحية

seek; reconsideration; rulings; judiciary; urgency.