المـجــــلــــة العـــلمـــيـــة المـسـتـقـبــــل الاقــتــصــــــادي
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 271-286

Analytical Review Of The Renewable Energies Financing Framework In Algeria - National Funds And Financial Schemes-

Authors : Serdouk Fateh . Necir Ahmed .


We look with this paper to give a review for the regulatory Framework of renewable energies in Algeria on term of financial schemes, which governs the promotion and the development of the renewable energies. Considering that, the renewable energies as a part of power sector in Algeria, needs some characteristics parameters, policies and measurement, as well as financing schemes, to attempt its development and trends. However, the height degree of the public monopoly for the energy sector in Algeria requires a focused research in the public funds for renewable energies. As a principal financial resource to promote the renewable energies development in Algeria. In light of this view, this paper is organized firstly, by giving an over review of the national funds for the renewable energies in Algeria, through its timeline from the establishment in 1999 to the date of this paper. Secondly, we look to analyze the financial schemes adopted in Algeria for the renewable energies, through milestones for the regulatory framework of the renewable energies.


Renewable Energies, Financial Schemes, National Funds for Renewable Energies, Feed in Tariffs, The Certificate of Guaranteed Origin, The Tender Scheme.