أفكار وآفاق
Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 181-190

الإغتراب النفسي والجسدي في قصيدة "يا سواد العين" للأمير عبد القادر الجزائري: قراءة وجدانية

الكاتب : خليل الراشد فهد سالم .


The psychological and physical alienation in the poem «O, apple of the eye» of the Emir Abd-el-Kader: An emotional reading. The aim of this study is to appreciate the emotional beauty of the poem “0…apple of the eye”, far from the methodology of rhetoric science (semantics, eloquence and good style) and linguistics (phonology, grammar, syntax, semantics and semeiology…). The objective is to emotionally share the deep sadness felt by the Emir after being separated from his family and his friends; and to dive into the depths of his soul in order to express his deep feelings, to explore that honest, affectionate and tender man, throughout the verses of his poem and get to know the father, the brother, the cousin, the beloved and the friend in the person of the Emir.

الكلمات المفتاحية

The Emir, psychological alienation, an artistic perspective, the emotional الأمي، الإغتراب النفسي، اللوحة الفنية، يا سواد العين، الوجدان L’Emir, aliénation psychologique, le regard artistique, l’émotionnel