المجلة الجزائرية للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية المتوسطية
Volume 2, Numéro 2, Pages 249-266

دور العلماء الرستميين في تنشيط الحركة العلمية بالمغرب والأندلس

الكاتب : سمية قرواش . خالد بلعربي .


In this study, we discussed the efforts of the Rustomian scholars in activating the intellectual movement, where they worked to strengthen cultural relations in various scientific environments and contact centers of culture in Morocco or Andalus, especially that Tahert was a strong cultural base dominated by the issues of the Ibadi call, Abadi doctrine and other doctrines. In addition to the policy of the Rustomide imams based on freedom of thought and cultural openness to the neighboring countries where we find that they have devoted their lives in the dissemination of science and they were at the forefront of scientists and did not stop at the end of education, but also participated in the movement of authorship and note through their writings that they cared a lot about religious studies . Despite the importance of the scientific Tahert until it became infected with the Balakhe Morocco did not prevent its scientists from traveling to the cities of the Islamic Maghreb (Kairouan - Fes - Andalus - Sigilmassa) because of their cultural status, where they were centers of radiation civilization, spread to them schools and libraries of ancient (karaouiyine mosque) In addition to the openness of these cities to different cultures, especially the culture of Tahert dominated by the sectarian character and shows this through the debates and debates held by the Tehert scientists in Kairouan, Fes and Andalus and even in Sijilmassa, and this evidence of the convergence of doctrinal based on the book and the year and measurement and consensus. The rivalries between the scholars of the Islamic maghreb were characterized by openness non – intolerance and acceptance of the other opinion In this context, we mentioned examples of scientists who contributed to enriching the scientific movement in Morocco and Andalus in different sciences, most notably Hammad Ben Bakr Al-Taharti, cultural ambassador in Morocco and Andalus.

الكلمات المفتاحية

دور العلماء الرستميين في تنشيط الحركة العلمية بالمغرب والأندلس