المجلة الجزائرية للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية المتوسطية
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 164-186

صدى الثورة الجزائرية على استقلال الشعوب الإفريقية. [ 1954-1975 ]

الكاتب : مليكة بن قدور . كريم ولد النبية .


the first November revolution Played a great role,for liberation of Africa, and in return she was given support in solidarity and sympathy between African peoples and States, is the solidarity of various political, material and moral military, despite trying the French disdain and disrespect of the importance of the Algerian revolution only to limit impacts through solidarity and sympathy for unconditional and unrestricted with the African people, the results of these diplomatic efforts supported revolution in military operations for the Liberation Army against the French forces, the outbreak of many revolts against regulations Colonial, in conjunction with the fact that many colonial powers to grant African countries gained independence under pressure African libertarian movements as the Algerian revolution has guaranteed support for African countries in the United Nations and international forums, as well as coordination of African States its attitude in the United Nations demands the cessation of French nuclear testing in Algeria and France, notably spearheading the revolution in establishing military front on Nigerian financial limits, the front gave confirmation of the presence of the Algerian revolution in the far south of the desert, and the principle of solidarity and of African Unity devoted ground fronts fight The gunman and had an impact on the Algerian revolution.

الكلمات المفتاحية

صدى الثورة الجزائرية على استقلال الشعوب الإفريقية. [ 1954-1975 ]