المجلة الجزائرية للبحوث والدراسات التاريخية المتوسطية
Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 10-24

نماذج مختلفة من أرشيف سيمنكس لصورة الوضع في مناطق الاحتلال الإسباني للجزائر عرضٌ و تعريبٌ

الكاتب : سعدي شخوم .


In this presentation we will provide three important messages give contradictory pictures of the first Spanish occupation start conditions around the Sultan Hassan bin Abdul Allah most Sultan Ziani to Tlemcen this document sent to a Spanish Prince Felipe Alcaudete Governor of Oran on 7th February 1548 and is reserved Bala Spanish rshif bsimkens:( (A.G.S, Estado-Leg.473 de Alcaudete cuenta carta príncipe Felipe, Oran 7 et 8 octubre 1548), the second is a captive of Annaba (Blueberry country) describe their society and dealing with conflict during this period (A.G.S, Estado – Leg 466), and third they belonged to the tribes of this region (A.G.S , Estado – 466) West Coast Leg Blueberry country and strive to reflect the turbulent conditions between Sultan elfarsi in addition to spy reports to the Spaniards. These models can be described by the different or contrasting managed to give the general situation of this region through multiple perspectives and philosophies.

الكلمات المفتاحية

أرشيف سيمنكس؛ الاحتلال الإسباني للجزائر