مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الأدبية واللغوية
Volume 4, Numéro 7, Pages 63-76

الحواضن العلمية للبحث اللغوي – من صعوبة الميلاد وهاجس التبني إلى آفاق التجربة والراهن البراغماتي

الكاتب : الجمعي بولعراس .


Abstract: Language and science started from Greek philosophy to arrive at ancient Aristotle logic. Then, they moved from mathematical logic to algebra and mathematical symbols (linguistics of Harris and Bloomfield). The first perspectives tried to give a conception for language. With the emergence of static structuralist, mentalist concepts and behaviouristic and psychological methods, language was targeted in the behaviour and mind. The subject of language was closely related to cultural orientation. The concepts of structuralism, behaviourism and cognitivism were developed and characterized by the nature of science of behaviour and biology as well as neurology. Then, functionalism emerged as a lack of perceiving language as a concept according to social concepts. Although these views faded out but we still notice their presence in any language discussion since they used to be an attractive subject for scientific, traditional and modern interests. The automatical discourse analysis that emerged in the 1890’s, the automatical analytical method, as well as social media is merely a series of one perspective. Nowadays, with the reached development at the level of linguistic studies and dynamic social interaction, instances of communicative channels have been made. Also, changes took place as far as the message is concerned, its content, and code as well as the interlocutors, their position and the way of receiving. All these changes lead to more human and electro-communication. Within this diachronic path, language has been the central focus of many scientific, cognitive and accumulative poles. This is what led us to scan the most important stages through which the study of language has undergone.

الكلمات المفتاحية

البحث اللغوي - اللسانيات- البراغماتي