دراسات إنسانية واجتماعية
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 255-268

.في إجرائية مفهوم الفضاء العمومي: إشكاليات التنظير الفلسفي الاتصالي

الكاتب : Bengherbia Fella .


These research papers deal with the theoretical and empirical analysis of the concept of public space, which is considered as one of the most difficult and complex philosophical concepts of sociological communication, to which scholars have devoted scientific sresearch attention since the emergence of the phenomenon of modern society. The development of methods and tools of scientific research, based on theoretical references and historical and sociological field studies, to reveal the quality and how to conduct the movement, activity, transition, the change and development of modern societies on the other hand. The fact that the latter continues to produce and create phenomena, situations, institutions, relations, interactions, strategies, objectives, means, laws and regulations. The "public space" has been taken as a conceptual reference, as a basis for study, as an exploratory tool, a linguistic guide, for the engineering of social / political / cultural communication systems in its various formations and material, moral and intellectual components.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الفضاء العمومي .الإجرائية التنظيرية. النظم السياسية . النظم الاقتصادية