الاكاديمية للدراسات الاجتماعية و الانسانية
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 28-33

دور العامل السياسي في انتشار المذاهب والعقائد في التاريخ الاسلامي - المذهب الاشعري نموذجا

الكاتب : مغزاوي مصطفى .


We will try in the present paper to shed light on the effect of the political factor in the propagation of doctrines in the Islamic history through AL Ashaàri doctrine that spread in most Islamic countries. We will also show the important impact of the correlation between the political factor and the practical factor in the interference of politicians in some doctrine conflicts as a way to serve most of their political interests, reign and dominance. This is so because -the king and religion- as stated by Al Ghazali are twins, religion is the origin and authority is the guardian, the one without origin is destroyed and the one without guardian is lost.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Political factor, propagation of Islamic Doctrine, Al A shaàri.