مجلة البحوث العلمية في التشريعات البيئية
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 70-81

الإطار التشريعي لرخصة البناء

الكاتب : سلمان صفية .


تعدّ قواعد التّهيئة و التّعمير في تاريخ البشرية حضارة ، علم، فن وأخلاق ، على اعتبار التمدن يساهم في تطوير الإنسان وأفكاره و حياته الاجتماعية و ترجمة لها من خلال فن تنظيم البناء و العمران. Abstract: In the history of mankind rules of urbanization are considered as civilization, science, art and ethics . Thus, town dwelling contributes to the development of human beings, their ideas, social life and the translation of them through the art of building The quality, shape and integration of buildings in the ocean, respect for landscape and urban life, and the protection of cultural and historical treasures are a public good in society and the state. The development and reconstruction policies in Algeria went through several stages in order to control the rules of construction and urban expansion, but these rules remained incomplete and inadequate and did not keep pace with the findings of human civilizations. Thus, whole cities, neighborhoods, large buildings, and structures from the nondescript, lacking the lowest standards of urbanization and without respect to the lowest standards and conditions applied in this area. The law of urbanization played the consumer role of the natural areas and the agricultural areas in a dangerous manner, which made the Algerian legislator adopt a lot of legislation relating to the reconstruction in general and the building permit in particular because it is the tool for the embodiment of the rules of field construction, and the density of the legal texts indicates the problems posed by architecture and the legislator's attempt to keep pace Its development and then adapting the building license .

الكلمات المفتاحية

الكلمات الدالة : التعمير ، المجالات الطبيعية ، رخصة البناء ، قواعد التهيئة ، البنايات ، التخطيط العمراني .