Volume 24, Numéro 2, Pages 391-435

A Person Approach To Impersonal Passive In Null Subject Languages And Elsewhere

Authors : Mohammed Shormani .


In this article, I propose a novel approach to impersonal passive in null subject languages (NSLs), and elsewhere, based mainly on Pers(on) feature. This Person feature is associated with a silent unpronounced pronoun, i.e. pro in finite passive clauses. It is proposed that pro is the external argument of impersonal passive, hence abstracting away from Case Absorption Theory (CAT). pro is specified as a 3 generic/indefinite human agent, and is associated with the passive morphology (PM). The PM is projected as a PassP (= Passive Phrase) headed by Pass. PassP is assumed to be a phase, whose head, i.e. Pass, is ɸ-complete. Pass is assumed to have two probes, namely Agree Feature and Edge Feature (EF). EF is motivated by the unvalued [uGenr] feature, as a subfeature of Person, and by LF interpretation reasons. This [uGenr] is also argued to be a dissociated feature from ɸ-composition. Pass agrees with pro in impersonal passive. Like active, pro in our proposal merges in Spec,vP. In Spec,vP, pro values its -role of agent by v at Merge. An Agree is established between pro and Pass, the result of which is valuing Pass’s unvalued features and the unvalued Nom Case of pro. Pass’s EF triggers pro to remerge in its Spec, hence valuing Pass’s [uGenr] feature.


Null subject languages, impersonal passive, morphological/periphrastic passive, person, nonspecification, pro, phase, Agree, subfeature