IMAGO Interculturalité et Didactique
Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 51-67

La Transgression Comme Moteur De L’écriture : Stratégies Et Enjeux D’une Poétique « Hors Norme » Dans « Meursault, Contre-enquête » De Kamel Daoud

Auteurs : Bahi Yamina .


In this article, we propose to scan the writing processes deployed in « Meursault », against inquiry to develop a novel “off track” refractory to standard for developing deconstructed shapes that meet the taste of the fragmentation and imbalance. Douad create an unusual fictional universe where evolves a marginal figure in the split image and unusual path. This character margin moves in a spatiotemporal context equally fragmented and dislocated. Recourse to fragment the process gives the text it’s fragmented and discontinuous appearance. In contrast to the transparency of the normative narrative model, the narrative is characterized by spatially narrative opacity which undermines referentiality of the facts. The writer devotes transgression as engine pf scriptural dynamic component a new type of narrative is straightforward to a new type of reader.

Mots clés

Daouad, Rapture, Anti-héros, Quête, Fragment, Opacité, Modernité, Renouveau