Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 439-460

رصد بيبليوغرافي لمصادر ومراجع تاريخ الوقف في الغرب الإسلامي

الكاتب : محمد غزالي . أمال سالم عطية . رقية بن خيرة . بختة خليلي . زهية خلافي .


Bibliography is one of the important cultural vessels that enable the researcher of confining studies and researches in area of specialization. And are also among the vital library service, which aims at introducing the library's holdings and multiple themes to make it easier for the reader and the researcher to obtain and utilize them. Therefore this work came to cover some aspects And discuss some of what has been written about the Islamic Waqf. And this work has included what has been written about the history of cessation of sources, references and articles that were published in magazines and scientific journals And also dissertations and theses, as well as meetings and seminars in various places It was not easy to get to all of these references. Therefore, it is certain that some of the material has escaped from being limited. This is due to the difficulty of access to it. And the unavailability of some library catalogs. We have been able to count a total of 60 workers through this work

الكلمات المفتاحية

الببليوغرافيا، الوقف، الغرب الإسلامي، مصادر، مراجع، مقالات، الرسائل، الملتقيات