أبعاد إقتصادية
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 49-64

أثار الأزمة المالية و الاقتصادية العالمية على إقتصاديات دول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية

الكاتب : محمد محمود ولد محمد عيسى .


The economic and financial crisis that the world is seeing since August 2007 is among the most dramatic crisis that the world economy has ever seen, due to the fact that this cris has started from the American economy which is considered as the engine for the world economic development. On the other hand, the American markets are seen to be the locomotive for the world financial markets development .Furthermore, the Us dollar constitute more than 60℅ of the world market .this cris has affected not only the American economy but also the European and Asian markets which in return has affected the rest of the world. However, given that the gulf Arab countries (the United Arab Emirates, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Bahrain, the State of Qatar, the State of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) are part of the world economy, the extent to which these countries will be affect depends upon their degree of dependency with the world economy and its degree of integration with the external world.

الكلمات المفتاحية

The economic and financial crisis , the American economy, financial markets, the gulf Arab countries, world economy.