دراسات نفسية وتربوية
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 257-287

الفروق في الذكاء المتعدد لدى طلاب السنة الثانية الدارسين في كليتي المجتمع في محافظتي القويعية والدوادمي في المملكة العربية السعودية

الكاتب : عبد العزيز المطوع نايف . علي أبو عبيد أحمد .


This study aimed to investigate the differences between Gardener’s multiple intelligences among second year students enrolled at Al-qwaiah and Al-dwadmi community collages in Saudi Arabia . . The study revealed that there was a correlated relationship between all the types of multiple intelligences and academic achievement except for the Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence, spatial intelligence and natural intelligence. The study put forward some recommendations the most significant of which are considering multiple intelligences as admission criteria for some specializations and conducting further similar studies on sample students from community collages in Saudi Arabia taking into account a variety of variables.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Gardener’s multiple intelligences- second year students- Al-qwaiah and Al-dwadmi community colleges