مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية والإنسانية
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 341-360

دور الاعلام الثقافي في تقريب الثقافات الفرعية من الشباب

الكاتب : بوزيان عبد الغاني .


The role of cultural media in the approximation of sub cultures to the youth It is knowing that beside the general society culture there I a sub cultures that has an effect on the personality of the youth that they are raised in a specific sub culture with a kind of expertise, attitudes …. While the transaction from a sub culture to another is happened the youth dos not feel comfortable, and when huge differences are showing every category is going to create its own sub culture and when these differences are slowly vanished we find a very specific subculture field. from that it comes the role of media and especially the cultural media in the approximation of these sub cultures to the youth and that for the activation of the acceptation of the other, then we can say that the sense faced by the youth ( not comfortable ) is vanished.

الكلمات المفتاحية

the cultural media, the youth, he personality of the youth