الخطاب والتواصل
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 100-108

Strategies For Avoiding Cheating And Preserving Academic Integrity In Tests

Authors : Abdaoui Mounya .


Abstract The current study aims at exploring the causes of cheating in tests and directing teachers’ attention towards the most effective strategies for avoiding it. Within this scope, a questionnaire was administered to uncover the prevalence of cheating in higher education and to detect its causes. Findings revealed that 70.70% from second-year students admitted that they have cheated in tests. Furthermore, the following three causes were rank-ordered in the first three positions respectively: competition for grades, parental expectations, and ineffective invigilation by the teacher. Accordingly, strategies for avoiding cheating and preserving academic integrity were explained mainly through raising students’ consciousness about moral values.


Key words: cheating in tests; the prevalence of cheating; academic integrity.

Sources Of Open Access: Between Academic Integrity And Plagiarism

Titila Sarra .  Kettaf Rezki . 
pages 592-612.