دراسات نفسية وتربوية
Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 126-149
الكاتب : شريفي علي .
This study aimed to find out the learner's cognitive structure and its description according to the level of knowledge and the step of the cognitive progression. It also aimed to discover the homogeneity level between the cognitive structure of the learner and the cognitive content of the mathematics schooner. To reach out those objectives, We have used four (04) tests (experimented by Piaget and his collaborators),in order to determine the cognitive structure, and a questionnaire was used too, to analyse the schoolbook content and finally , to use assimilation tests in mathematics. The studied sample was composed of 90 learners of the 2nd year primary teaching from the wilaya of Saida. The results showed that the there was no homogeneity between the learner's cognitive structure and the cognitive content of the mathematics schoolbook. The study has also noticed that the homogeneity degree within the cognitive structure itself shows different levels of assimilation
learner's cognitive structure- cognitive progression- cognitive content-schoolbook-mathematics-levels of assimilation
محمد مفيدة زكور
ص 757-774.
لعجال سعيدة
ابراهيمي سامية
ص 73-101.