Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 8-22

العوامل الخمس للشخصية وعلاقتها بالتفاؤل والتشاؤم لدى الطلبة المقبلين على التخرج.

الكاتب : منصوري نبيل . لوناس عبد الله . لوناس أحمد .


This study aimed at investigate the relationship between the five factors of personality and optimism and pessimism at graduating students, To achieve this, the researchers used descriptive analytical method to suit the nature of the study on a sample of 380 from graduating students (second year master) in each of the 60 colleges and institutes at the University of Bouira were chosen in a manner intended and applied for this purpose measures of Costa and MaC-crae 1992 and the Silkman scale of optimism and pessimism prepared by MOAWAD and ABDUL-AZIM, and the results reached: 1. There is a statistically significant correlation between pessimism and neuroticism. 2 - There is a negative relationship between pessimism and after extinction at graduating students . 3 - There is a negative relationship between pessimism and openness to the experience at graduating students . 4 - There is a negative relationship between pessimism and the admissibility at graduating students . 5 - There is a negative relationship between pessimism and the wakefulness of the conscience at graduating students . 6. There is a statistically significant correlation between pessimism and neuroticism at graduating students.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Key words: optimism - pessimism - major factors of personality - students coming to graduate الكلمات الدالة: التفاؤل-التشاؤم - العوامل الكبرى للشخصية- الطلبة المقبلين على التخرج