المجلة الجزائرية للمخطوطات
Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 361-384

تطور الملكية بالمغرب الأوسط من الفتح إلى قدوم الأتراك

الكاتب : شهرزاد رفاف .


This article raises the problem of ownership in the Middle Morocco from the Islamic conquest until the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Ottoman presence in the western basin of the Mediterranean during the first half of the sixteenth century AD, based on a historical approach mating between jurisprudential and historical texts to clarify the formation and development of ownership, This double reading and the different stages of history known to the middle Morocco that property ownership did not comply with the requirements of Islamic law in many cases, and perhaps the first question is: What is the legal status of property in the Middle Morocco? Is it subject to Islamic law after the Muslims sinned conquest?

الكلمات المفتاحية

الملكية، المغرب الأوسط، النصوص، الفقه، التاريخ