المجلة الجزائرية للمخطوطات
Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 163-196

التداوي بالخمر في الفقه الإسلامي من خلال رسالة الشباسي في حكم التداوي بالخمر

الكاتب : زهرة بن عمار .


Alcohol is not a drugaccording to the jurist, as proved by modern science, and the ruling is that medication by drinking pure alcohol is forbiden. But if a medication necessitates a mixture with alcohol, as proved by medical specialists,the ruling will be different. Alcoholic products and other alcoholic substances if they are with littleamount in medicine, theywill bemelted and consumedand they will have noeffect, no smell, andno taste and thereforethey will beconsidered by virtue of impuritywhichbecomesomethingelsebecause of melting orburning or cooking and falls by ruling forits prohibition, and the use of such a medecineistolerated. However, the emedecines that containa bit of alcohol, just to intentionallybring flavor, or the thrill of it, are not permissible because of the lack of necessity.

الكلمات المفتاحية

التداوي بالخمر، الفقه الإسلامي، رسالة الشباسي