La revue de la Communication et du Journalisme
Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 288-309

البيئة الإعلامية: تأصيلها والعوامل المشكلة لها

الكاتب : سهيلة دهماني .


This study aims to look for the conceptual Indigenization for the media environment and the term roots within the theoretical and sociological context This study aimed to identify the term of media environment that has emerged with the existing of the Communicator studios and factor affecting his news Product Identifying the educational, social, political, economic and relational atmosphere surrounding the communicator, would provide overall environmental background that determines the professional field map for journalists, "and this is called the media environment". We tried through this scientific review to focus on the the term’s dimensions and components, which consists of several factors: personal, social, cultural and its effectiveness in the practice of journalism in general, stopping at the saying of ROBERT HAREEL who think that we can not understand any press without the journalist, and this is what PIERRE BOURDIEU has advocated when he said that the meaning of very personal acts and most transparent do not belong to the person who is doing them, but to the full system of relationships that occur within and through it .

الكلمات المفتاحية

سوسيوجيا الإعلام، القائم بالاتصال، البيئة الإعلامية .