Recherchers economiques manageriales
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 299-308

The Logic Of The Pension System In Algeria

Authors : Soufi Imane . Belayachi Boumediene Ghouti .


Many questions arise: retirement, a big business? How many retirees do we count? What is the average retirement income level? Dispersion of retirees’ income? Retirement is expensive, what does this mean? And also, many suggestions: « There’s not work for everybody and workers must retire earlier and earlier » « Seniors are becoming more numerous, this is why pension costs are getting more and more expensive » « Despite their high cost pensions are too low » The article presents an insight into the old age pension system in Algeria. There are three topic paragraphs: 1. Retirement: Definition and Characteristics of Evolution, 2. The Retirement System in Algeria, 3.challenges and new reform. There, the author’s goal was to present both past and present solutions employed by the Algerian pension system, in search for ideas worth consideration, in then end the author’s present the reform in the Algerian system.


Retirement system, funding, balance of the system, demographic data.