الحوار المتوسطي
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 30-39

مقاومة الأمير عبدالقادر في سعيدة: المنطقة والرجال ودورهما في دعم المقاومة

الكاتب : شباب عبدالكريم .


The revolution of al – Amir Abdelkader (1832-1847) was one of the most important popular revolutions That the Algerian people have seen during the period of 19th centry, It was well orgnised and national wide more than the other revolutions. - The strategie place of Saida (the point between the North and Desert (the South), played abig role in suporting Al Amir Abdelkader’s revolution. - The decline of Mascara in 06_12_1835, led Al Amir Abdelkader ti setteled and established Millitary Institutions with a huge human resources to support his army, thus, he choosed Saida as a place for the arabs tribes which he could stock weapons and grins. - People of Saida welcomed Al Amir Abdelkader cause they have seen in it the Independence of Algeria a from the french colonization. - The battel of Sidi Aissa in October 21 st,1841 and the war of Sidi Youssef in September 22nd 1843and the other ones, explain how much people of Saida wanted their native lands and freed their country fromthe frensh colonization.

الكلمات المفتاحية

مقاومة الأمير عبدالقادر ؛ منطقة سعيدة ؛ قبائل سعيدة ؛ جيش الأمير ؛ معركة سيدي عيسى ؛ بوخرص الكرومي ؛ الجنرال بيجو ؛ الدعم المادي ؛ الدعم البشري؛ معركة سيدي يوسف.