Al Athar مجلة الأثـــــــــــــــر
Volume 13, Numéro 20, Pages 195-212

النص الأدبي المصور، وسيلة لتنمية الوعي المفاهيمي للطفل كتاب اللغة العربية للسنة الرابعة ابتدائي أنموذجا

الكاتب : دحو حسين .


For any reason be, it is undeniable that a healthy upbringing of the child ready for the future, at different stages of his age, requires specific strategies based on an educational orthodoxy able to make it capable of s' fully discharge its responsibilities. The purpose of such a thoughtful education is to prepare socialization as an active member, dynamic and responsible guarantor of becoming societal transformations and community membership

الكلمات المفتاحية

Illustrated literary text,Conceptual awareness of the child