Al Athar مجلة الأثـــــــــــــــر
Volume 13, Numéro 20, Pages 43-56

التأويل النحوي وإسقاطاته عند ابن الزبير الغرناطي في كتابه ملاك التأويل

الكاتب : شنين مهدي عزالدين . بوجملين لبوخ .


The Linguistic exegesis is considered as one of the main analysis mechanisms that leads to the obvious meaning , however , many scholars from different fields , give so much importance to this area of study , among the scholars that worked on this subject " IbnZoubirGharnati that proves this gravity in his book of “Exegesis Angel” “Malekataouil “ and through this latter we can assume the value of this linguistic mechanism.Therefore ,the expression of Mlek justifies its considerable position and it was the reason that put us in such part of speech ,and because of his book , we attempted to analyze the grammar exegesis .

الكلمات المفتاحية

Exegesis , interpretation , Gharnati ,grammar,“Exegesis Angel” “Malekataouil