Al Athar مجلة الأثـــــــــــــــر
Volume 15, Numéro 25, Pages 19-28

العوامل المؤثرة في أصول النحو عند ابن هشام الأنصاري

الكاتب : عياض محمد رضا .


IBN HISHAM ALANSARI quoted some grammatical origins for his grammatical rules, like : hearing, analogy, consensus, abiding and other origins ….. These origins were affected by legitimacy, logic and ideological effectors and other effectors…… When we talk about legitimacy effectors, we talk, for example, about jurisprudence and its origins, they are more influential than the other external effectors, in terms of synonyms, definitions and rules. We should not forget also the science of prophet's Hadith which he used it in some of his synonyms and what followed it from narration and the situations of narrator's references. When we talk about logic effectors, we talk, for example about logic science which he used itin his definitions and his origins rules; there is no doubt that lot of grammarians were fascinated so much by logic, it plays a great role in them linguistic works. And when we talk about ideological effectors, we talk for example about the Sunnis ideology which he used it against (ALMUTAZILA) ideology and against other lost groups in some of his grammatical conversations. IBN HASHAM was affected also by theory of worker which controls the most majority of his grammatical researches. It's influenced him and the grammarians before and after him, and they made it as a pillar which raises generally the grammar.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Grammar Roots/ Acceptance By Usage/Juristic/Consensus//Aconpanying/ Proof/ Witless/ Justification/ The Rule/ Alfikh/ Mutazila/ Prophetical Hadith/ Ahl Senna.