Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 235-245

سؤال الحياة في فكر نيتشه

الكاتب : قادم معمر .


the question of life is one of the most important question posed the philosophy of Nietzsche in particular ,and we can confirm this thesis by tracking the core issues addressed by Nietzsche in his philosophy ,and we mean specifically deep his research about nihilism issues ,and the will power ,the eternal return ,human top ,these are the core issue raised by Nietzsche ,and the clear confirmation of the importance enjoyed by the question of life when Nietzsche ,were we find that Nietzsche believed that religion it is the primary factor in the degeneration of life in processes ,and so must destroy all that is religious or rational or an ideal ,that is the only way to achieve life virtually earth ,so the opposite has happened and everything became an expression of body and instinct, that is life as it is .

الكلمات المفتاحية

Life philosophy; religion; nietzshe; will power; nihilism; the sunset of life

أبعاد سؤال الوجود في فلسفة نيتشه

نور الدين رفاس . 
ص 152-166.

سؤال التربية عند فريدريك نيتشه

بركاني حسين .  عمراني عبد المجيد . 
ص 149-162.

.في سؤال العلاقة بين الدّين و الفن في فلسفة فريدريك نيتشه

بوجنان محمد الأمين .  عفيان محمد . 
ص 393-411.

جمالية الفن وثقافة اللاعقلانية في فكر نيتشه

رباني الحاج .  كرمين فتيحة . 
ص 216-228.