Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 107-125

الأسس السيكولوجية لابستمولوجيا هيوم التجريبية وتأثيره على فلسفات العلم المعاصرة

الكاتب : زروخي عبد الوهاب .


Through this research paper we aimed to identify the epistemological dimension of Hume’s psychological philosophy. There is no doubt that Hume is considered among the top philosophers who emphasized that human thinking falls back at the end to the psychological emotions and impressions, hence, we can consider Hume’s philosophy was based on what is termed “knowledge of Human Nature”. According to Hume, The psychological interpretation included the most forms of human knowledge, whether it is related to the origin of the human knowledge or the interpretation of some scientific issues, such as the principle of causality and the induction problem, it even extends to the interpretation of the religious phenomenon and the moral values psychologically, in addition, we should mention that Hume’s thoughts had an impact on the contemporary philosophy especially the epistemological side.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Hume’s psychological philosophy; doubt; interpretation