Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 33-60

A Black Paper On French Repression In Algeria*

Authors : Tablit Ali .


The Algerian National Movement wishes respectfully to address itself to a serious matter affecting a recent demarche by France involving the dignity of the United States of America, the freedom of the American press and French colonial repression in Algeria. According to our information, subsequently confirmed in a report in the New York Times, the French Government, at the request of its Minister of Interior, has made representation to the United States Government, on the one hand, questioning the accuracy of the information at the disposal of the U.S. Government regarding Algeria; on the other hand, the French have protested reports by the American press on their repression campaign in Algeria, particularly during the month of August, resulting in the massacre of thousands of Algerian men, women and children. Since the French demarche basically challenges the veracity of these reports, the Algerian National Movement deems it necessary to submit its views on the matter. In the Attached memorandum entitled “A Black Paper on the French Repression in Algeria”, we have compiled evidence, factually borrowed from authentic French sources, which constitute a refutation of the French disavowal and which bring to the Government and people of the United States the full picture of the scope, cruelty and horror of the French colonial repression. The Algerian National Movement, Mr. President, is not calling this matter to your kind attention in order to score a point in polemics with the French Minister of Interior. The cause and the struggle of the Algerian people is unchallengeable one; nor will the most cruellest repression affect their already proven determination to live as free men or die as martyrs. In submitting this shocking record of inhumanity and crime against the Algerian civilian population, we trust in your repugnance to any act of injustice inflicted anywhere in the world, and in your undoubted concern that such barbarism should be the mark of an Ally associated with the United States through N.A.T.O. in this strategic area. Although we are aware, Mr. President, that the United States delegation to the United Nations has chosen to side with the French version of its colonialism in Algeria, we nevertheless are confident that you will not divest yourself from the humanitarian aspect of this tragic issue. We are confident furthermore, that you will receive, with sympathy, this representation on behalf of a people who so gallantly fought against the common enemy under your historic wartime leadership then, and who look to your world moral leadership today. Accordingly, Mr.President, the Algerian National Movement respectfully appeals for your personal intervention to express to the French Government the grave concern of the American people over these atrocities and to help bring to an end a repression which is assuming a genocide character With my highest esteem, Messali Hadj, President of the Algerian National Movement * This document is submitted to the Hon. Dwight Eisenhower the President of the United States of America by Messali Hadj, leader of The Algerian National Movement from Angouleme, France, in September 20, 1955.


French Repression in Algeria, Algerian National Movement, Black Paper