المجلة المغاربية للإقتصاد و المانجمت
Volume 4, Numéro 2, Pages 80-99

أثر الاستقرار الوظيفي للقيادات العليا على التخطيط الاستراتيجي "دراسة ميدانية على جامعة شقراء في الفترة من2013م إلى 2017م

الكاتب : الاكلبي عايض بن شافي .


The study aimed to measure the effect of job instability on top of the strategic management characteristics. It also sought to achieve the positive effects of career stability on strategic planning, as well as determining the negative effects of job instability on the strategic planning of the University of Shakra ? Based on the Analytical Descriptive Approach, the study came to a number of results, including: The impact of job stability in senior leadership on the characteristics of the strategic vision is low and the University does not have a clear ambitious strategic vision seeking to reach it in the future. Also, the budget systems and regulations and the financial programs are stable and cannot be passed over, and are not subject to the change of senior leaderships in the University. In addition, the change of senior leaderships has positive effects through bringing new expertise and blood to the University and has a positive impact on the development of the available potentials based on the previous and diverse experiences of the new leaderships. The study recommended continuation of the University to take the Strategic Planning Approach because of its importance on the one hand, and to cope with frequent changes in the senior leaderships of the University on the other; and working on formulating a clear ambitious strategic vision of the University and the commitment of the senior leaderships to implement it and adhere to the financial and administrative rules and regulations in force in the University to limit the impact of frequent changes in University's leaderships so as to ensure continuity of work and not to confuse employees.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Keywords: career stability, senior leaderships, strategic dimension, Shaqra University

القوة التنظيمية وتأثيرها في تعزيز التنمية المُستدامة "دراسة ميدانية للقيادات الإدارية في جامعة كركوك"

أ.م. مروان صباح حسن .  أ.د. خالدية مصطفى عطا .  أ.د.شيماء عادل فاضل . 
ص 99-120.