مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الاعلامية والإتصالية
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 89-102

الموضوعية والمصداقية في القنوات الفضائية الأجنبية دراسة تحليلية لقضية محمد مراح من خلال قناة فرانس 24 الإخبارية

الكاتب : العربي بوعمامة . فوزية عبو .


ABSTRACT : This study discusses the political news in the satellite channels Western and specifically France Channel 24 as a model for hot news and ongoing, as is a political news one of the basic pillars in proving the channel position among other channels, and how they dealt with this news as orientation and ideology and political environment and social, cultural and economic surroundings, as the news is no longer a description of the event Annie enjoys the attention, but has become a window overlooking all of them in his opinion for the employment trends with or against this or that party or herself this process or that what happened and is happening in the French political scene and among the developments in France and political issues, I chose the case of Mohamed Merah model for my studies

الكلمات المفتاحية

القنوات الفضائية الأجنبية