مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الاعلامية والإتصالية
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 75-87

تأثير آليات التسويق على ترويج الصمغ العربي (بولاية شمال كردفان)

الكاتب : خليل عبد الله على . جعفر سليمان جاد الله ادم .


This study aims to determine the impact of marketing on the gum Arabic sector in the White localities and breasts mechanisms during the period of 1960- 2015 m, find out and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the mechanisms of gum Arabic marketing, it adopted the study in the primary data and secondary collection on the questionnaire, observation and discussion groups targeted. Used intentional sample study for the selection of the localities under study as a first stage, and then administrations (Albeit- and An nuhud) as a second stage, and then the simple random sample a third stage for the selection of urban and central markets, the study targeted slice traders and agents companies and agents producers, as the study used several types of media analysis It was the descriptive statistics, and the opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses (SWOT) analysis Quad. The study reached the following findings: that the infrastructure and the level of services in remedial management is good markets, and that means marketing and promotion of traditional gum Arabic, there are fees and exorbitant taxes affect the marketing of gum Arabic. I recommended the study as follows: the need to change the official view of the government towards the gum Arabic markets being the source of levies to being services markets, the need to guide the government's policies towards the gum Arabic markets to support the marketing efficiency and improve the infrastructure and the need to find effective mechanisms for the marketing and promotion of gum Arabic in the markets under study.

الكلمات المفتاحية

آليات التسويق

أثر الصراع التنظيمي على الأداء الوظيفي للعاملين: دراسة تطبيقية على ديوان شؤون الخدمة ولاية شمال كردفان

مصطفي آدم محمد أبكر .  آدم يعقوب أبكر حماد .  انعام مالك المنصور . 
ص 14-31.