الأفاق للدراسات الإقتصادية
Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 278-291

New Trends In Teaching English Language To Students Of Economics

Authors : شريط كمال .


Since social and economic changes have taken place in our country after the advent of globalization, the demand for English language as an international language continues to increase and new demands on specialists in various fields of knowledge have increased too, and economists are no exception. The English language study plays a major role in forming professional qualities and practical skills of future economists. Teaching English for economic purposes requires the use of specific teaching methods and strategies. Therfore, the aim of the current research paper is to offer new trends and methodological innovations in teaching English language to students of economic departments. The paper reviews briefly different definitions of Teaching English for Specific Purposes and highlights the role of teachers in this field. Additionally, it discusses the students’ English language needs for economic purposes. Furthermore, it explains how to design an appropriate course in English to students of Economics. Finally, it suggests innovative teaching methods and strategies that can help teachers in designing English language courses that best suit students of Economics.


globalization; English for Specific Purposes; students’ needs; Economics; teaching methods and strategies