مجلة الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية
Volume 5, Numéro 1, Pages 1-16

الوصف والتأويل في الدرس النحوي العربي

الكاتب : بلخير لخضر .


This study fol)ows an aspect of the ancient arab grammarians aproach, in dealing with the arabic íexts. which thev took as a reference to establish the fondation for arab science —studv of the language- and also figuring of a grammatical theorv in order to organise its structure, stafling from description. passing to reasoning and augmentation down to interpretation, text interpretation (linguistics act), that-s why interpretation is considered as the most nobel goal of all studies and scientific projects, and certainly its the main motif in all history of the arabic civilisation which leads to the language organization, was idiological. This means that the arabic grammar was in compliance with the islamic religion in its origins, and mostlv interested in changing the language not in the linguistic phenomenon it self.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الوصف والتأويل في الدرس النحوي العربي