مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الاقتصادية
Volume 2, Numéro 3, Pages 202-227

ظاهرة تبييض الأموال في البنوك* ( إشارة إلى ظاهرة الرشوة في البنوك)

الكاتب : الأخضر عزي .


The phenomenon of money laundering is considered as an aspect of the organized crime which generally includes a financial and administrative corruption in the private and public economic institutions as well as in governmental departments, this phenomenon has increased in recent years due to political and economic globalization and globalization of communication technology. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of public opinion, governments and the international community to contend against this scourge, which basically disagrees with the humanitarian, ethical, and religious concepts. This phenomenon has been increased and spread due to the domination of political and economic globalization and the dominance of capital upon the political decision and sovereignty of countries over their lands, because the world has become a small village in terms of information and a unified corporate reluctantly on fight against the crime of dirty and wrongful money laundering because of their adverse impact on the national and international economy and market instability, particularly the financial market.

الكلمات المفتاحية

تبييض الأموال - البنوك