مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الاقتصادية
Volume 3, Numéro 6, Pages 123-147

تقييم مساهمة مؤسسات الزكاة في تحقيق حد الكفاية للعائلات الفقيرة

الكاتب : عبد الحكيم بزاوية .


Abstract : The zakat is one of the most important islamic public financial instruments, for that reason The State shall supervise them to serve the interests of society, and the attention of the countries of the Islamic world to organize them in institutional form recently, is a reflection expressive of the application of this duty ... which put contemporary zakat institutions in front of the major challenges, because her function is to realise of the social equality and social solidarity and economic development. In this article we talk in the first about the role of Zakat to achieve sufficiency for poor families, then we move to the reality of the institutional organization of zakat in Islamic societies, and finaly we measure the contribution of zakat institutions to achieve sufficiency for poor families, through the study of Algeria Sudan and Kuwait experiences.

الكلمات المفتاحية

فريضة الزكاة – حد الكفاية – مؤسسات الزكاة – التكافل الاجتماعي– التنمية الاقتصادية.