مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الفلسفية
Volume 2, Numéro 4, Pages 244-261

فعالية المنظمات غير الحكومية بالمجتمع المدني و تأثيرها على التنمية الاجتماعية.

الكاتب : إسماعيل ميهوبي . أمينة بوعفان .


Abstract: Indeed, a comparison of the Arabsocietiesdeveloped a set of complexities in several aspects of life have led to resultscontrary to the project as a result of societalprogressblurry concepts, roles, and responsibilitiesassigned to community institutions that carry out the functions the issue of social development . The non-governmental organizations within civil society branches and structures of the different one of the mechanisms by whichafflict the conduct of thiscomplexity as a result of the problematicvehiclethatcovered about how to contain all the different groups of society on the one hand , and amongother propositions that serve acrosschannels goals and ambitions ideologicalnarrow on the other hand . Withinthis course wewilltry to trace the process of paperwork of non-governmentalorganizations, civil society in the Arab countries and theirinterest to achieve a homogeneous system of community, whichisreflected on the actualgroundis an important indicator of social development later.

الكلمات المفتاحية

المجتمع المدني، المنظمات غير الحكومية، التنمية الاجتماعية.